For many people, social connections and loneliness have been a topic of renewed attention due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation of social distancing guidelines has severely impacted our ability to get together and interact. In turn, making it difficult to maintain existing friendships and create new ones. This drastic shift has exacerbated the loneliness…
Read MoreThe Importance of Gratitude on Your Well-Being
We hear it all the time: the importance of being thankful, or showing gratitude. For some people, these words elicit an eye roll or a blank stare (at best). Sure, we know that gratitude is important in an abstract sort of way—but it can be hard to take seriously when our primary mode of interaction…
Read MoreHow to Recognize Past Trauma and Its Impact on Your Life
How to Recognize Past Trauma and Its Impact on Your Life The last few years have seen an explosion in the use of words like PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and trauma in our vernacular. This is due in large part to increased awareness and activism around the lasting psychological effects of war on veterans. However,…
Read MoreHow to Find Meaning in Life
Take a trip down to your local bookstore, and you’ll likely find stacks of memoirs and self-help books recounting peoples’ searches for meaning in their lives. From hiking through the wild to eating, praying, and loving your way through the world, people are obsessed with figuring out how to find meaning in their lives. And…
Read MoreWhy Do Kids Seek Role Models?
When you were growing up, you most likely looked up to someone and learned from the way they conducted themselves. Whether it was a family member, a friend, or even a celebrity, this person was your role model. You may not have understood why you looked up to this person, but they were an important…
Read MoreThe Benefits of Having a Mentor
As a kid, one of the most important things is having someone in your life who you look up to and respect. This person is often referred to as a role model. But, you don’t always know your role models personally. Mentors, on the other hand, are people in our lives who help us grow…
Read MoreMentoring is a core life skill
As we reflect on our lives and seek to become better, it is critically important for us to do a self inventory. By that I mean we look at our skills, abilities, talents, and areas we know are challenges for ourselves. I review that specific process in another article, but I want to highlight one…
Read MoreGrowing up
We’ve all been told at some point in our life to grow up. Theoretically meaning that we needed to become mature and responsible adults. However, it is often a toxic remark. Think about a time you were told to “grow up” and reflect on how it made you feel and what you believed they were…
Read MorePain or Pain
Have you ever been in a situation where if you speak or do something it will cause you and someone else pain? But if you don’t speak or do that action, it will also cause you and the other pain?
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